Our Descent into Madness
Leading the fight to stop Graham Coxon
Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Comments boxes do have their uses

From here:

Hello there. I've been reading your site, and thinking, isn't it a really bad thing that a good Catholic would support the war in Iraq? Though instead of just forcing my opinion on you, I've been looking though a short list of past issues with interesting titles.

Pope warns against Iraq war

Pope says Iraq war threatens humanity

Pope urges world to avoid Iraq war

Pope calls for fast action against war in Iraq

Pope voices opposition, his strongest, to Iraq war

U.S. Church Leaders, in Rome, Ask Pope to Address Security Council

Catholic church against war on iraq

Pope John Paul II calls War a Defeat for Humanity: Neoconservative Iraq Just War Theories Rejected

I'd especially look at that last bit about Neoconservative just war theories being rejected.

There's also a small list of sites here

I'd also recommend trying different ways of spreading peace, rather than killing people. You'll find if people followed this site more, you'd have less trouble with abortions, too.


4:57 pm :: 2 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

had to post it before anyone mentioned it

yes he's a twat
i'm going to firebomb his house, if only he could read he'd be able to sue me...
1:11 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

It looks like some people have really moved on since the crusades

That's right, they travelled to america. This post especially annoyed me. You know, never mind what the pope says, we'll justify the war anyway.

A much better trend, other than blogging for Bush(Does anyone blog for sex? I dunno how that'd work), is knitting.

By the way, isn't Elvis Costello lovely?
11:06 pm :: 3 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Monday, September 27, 2004

All These Things I've Done

I have been at university a little over 2 weeks, and in falling into the sterotype, I have completed the following things
1. Walked into a lecture that I shouldn't have been in, realised it was wrong, got odd looks for walking out as the teacher said, 'we're continuing with renaissance art, i hope that's alright.'
2. Got woken up 2 hours after going to bed by the janitor for the mess in our kitchen
3. Got fined £10 for an 'unauthorised party', got another letter as someone left the door open at midnight and this is apparently a security risk
4. got a third disciplinary letter for damage to the flat
5. Lost my wallet with all the cards in
6. Parents forget to pay tuition fees
7. Break a George Forman grill in Tescos
8. Jack my bitchin veins up to score some heroin

how utterly cliched
5:48 pm :: 1 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

Saturday, September 25, 2004

you sir, stop stamping on my face

i wonder if this can be used for people as well. We should try it, First Aid the geeky way.
I'm stealing this link from B3TA, purely because it's pure genius. Huzzah for irrevrent people being funny.
and i belive we should campaign against this filth which I'm sure our friends at the right-wing sites assume to be degrading and they want a lynching. Personally, I just think it's crap.
and finally, sort out your sexual confusion cos we like to see ourselves as a counselling service.
3:24 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

Friday, September 24, 2004

Remember Kids: Don't Do Drugs

Or this could happen to you
4:52 pm :: 1 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

If I had a quid for every trashy Insomnia remix ever made...

The following 3 activities should not be performed at home, without letting us in to sell a video of it on eBay.

Pole Dancing

Freestyle Walking


7:31 am :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Kidnapping Drug Fueled Rock Stars is Wrong

Today's post is not sponsored by the Oklahoma State Ostrich Book

Anyway, our good friend George is having more speech problems than Gareth Gates and the person behind advertising penguin bars.

Ooh isn't outsourcing brilliant?
8:21 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Important news flash

You can now get a demo of love chess!

Edit - There's no dodgy chess sex in it, sadly, although it does feature the line "This demo is only foreplay," which is good enough really to warrant downloading 20mb of stuff that doesn;t really run on my laptop.
1:28 am :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Blogsurfing gets tedious

Ok I get a slow night, but I'm still sick of:

Right wing American Christian's thinking they're in some sort of minority. I found one in my shoe this morning.

Also does everyone in singapore have some sort of soppy photoblog or diary?

Anyway there was relief if in this lovely tale of what you can arrange in 10 minutes on a wednesday morning in New York. It may also appeal to perverts with a palindromic 4 letter name.
9:17 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

If you want old school rascism, go anti-semite

Lovely little cartoon
12:57 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

i am still alive...

unfortunately, brian clough isn't anymore, so big tribute to the great man and manager, yes he could be a tit, but he was the greatest british manager of all time, so respect is due.
My posts have become slightly depressive due to people dying so why not have some intelligent laughs here who actually writes these websites?
and in keeping with our love of all things right-wing, we have a lovely blog for you, who have actually tried to counteract ignorant insults from morons like us by titling their blog, 'four right wing wackos' oooh those semi-nazis are just too sharp for us.
and after they've convinced you that your foolish left-wing ways are for commie scum, and che guevara was the real evil, show your support with a t-shirt i particularly like the 'tolerance is for a man without convictions', look at them quoting chesterton, the educated people.
and if you are bored bomard these people with bogus claims, such as 'i went brainded watching another stupid bloody comercial telling me to get compensation, give me money you bloody tinkers'
that's enough for now, oooh but i did just buy a nice jacket, see you all in a bit.
5:08 pm :: 4 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

Is Joe Alive?

I need to start a pool on how long Pete will live, If I had any web knowledge I could set up some kind've site about it... hmm...

Pretty Pictures

Lovely Links like this.

There was also an interesting blog about star signs and BDSM written by a dominatrix but I lost the link, god and ham it.
10:32 am :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Saturday, September 18, 2004

North Carolina Moonshine


We're gonna have to try this.
5:46 pm :: 5 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

My new favourite flash animator

How to make an Internet Cartoon - Tutorial

This guy is amazing.

While you're at it, Albino Black Sheep is the place to be, they've even got the hacking skills to get into the government.
4:10 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Traffic Cones Can be Practical

About two months ago, someone realised that people found games like Monkey Island very funny when stuff happened, but got pissed off about spending 5 hours clicking to trip some obscure event. Quite why it's taken them so long to work this out, is beyond me. Anyway, here's another one of the results.
11:03 am :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Thursday, September 16, 2004

people do well after a while

heard this quite a bit ago, liked the song, not so keen on their other stuff, but the animation is fuckin top notch. Anyway, have heard that it is now doing rather well and they're gonna have a single out, see perseverence does pay, it's really boring though, so just forget about it
8:11 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

rock all night, sleep all day, it don't matter what they say

sorry to post my first link from here and for it to be sucky, but johnny ramone has passed away gettin close to ramona upstairs

Hey Johnny, hey Dee Dee
Little Tom and Joey
You know we're comin' over
Sweet sweet little Ramona
You're getting better and better
It's getting easier than ever
Hey you kids in the crowd
You know you like it
When the music's loud.
Sweet sweet little Ramona
she always wants to come over
Sweet sweet little Ramona
I think I'll try and phone her
I let her in if you're wondering why
Cause she's a spy for the BBI
I leter her in and I started to cry
And then I knew I wanted to die
Oooh, little Ramona.
1:54 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

and you're so far away, but still i love you....

I'm sure you've been missing my witty and irrevrent posts, whilst i've been away from lovely sunny manchester and regular interent access only downstairs, i've now got to cross the road for it, how utterly disgraceful. I've not got a great deal of time as I have to do lots of fun stuff such as register for subjects, but I just wished to remind you all how much I love you whilst also keeping an air of contempt towards your shallow existences. Anyways, on the flip.
1:24 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

Don't you just love microsoft?

Windows is that bugged that looking at pictures can get you into trouble with nasty people.

It's another reason to use firefox. Get it now, dammit, it'll cut dandruff and make you better at clay pigeon shooting.
12:50 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Church of England tries what the Catholics have been doing for years

All this giving out chocolate's not gonna work. The Catholics have been giving out free wine every time they get someone in church, and where's that got them?

I'd kill the marketing department, if I were them.

By the way, anyone seen this on TV yet?
6:47 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The Official God FAQ

Wow, there's a lot about theology I miss out on sometimes, this really helped me through the more refined, difficult bits.

Speaking of theology, here's an interesting take on September 11.
2:46 pm :: 2 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Monday, September 13, 2004

I love the drummer from Blur

There's a new episode of Empire SQ out, and it's probably only seconded by the very first episode they did.

You also might want to check out episode 6 after this has happened today.
4:38 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Drink drink drink, drinky drinky drink

I need to stop drinky drinky drinking, but won't.

Ooh look! Trey Parker and Matt Stone can do something other than south park!
1:26 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Friday, September 10, 2004

Damn fine kebabs

David Firth is a worrying animator...he did those lovely salad fingers flash films, too...

I also found out how Prodigy's new album was made.
6:58 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Thursday, September 09, 2004

been away much too long now oooh

my backdoors and windows have been redone and put in, so don't even try and rob from my house you dirty mothers, tsk, dirty scoundrels. anyway, i'm back and now i'm off out so see you later.
and yes, you do look repulsive in that mirror
5:37 pm :: 3 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

Money spent on cocaine and new carpeting

Have you ever wondered if, when you burned a cd, it was morally wrong?

No, neither have I...

Anyways, for the paranoid amongst us, here's a handy flow chart.
11:47 am :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


3 flashy bits of fun for you...

Firstly some help with pet care

Also, a handy warning about beer.

And behind door number 3, some of those good old reversable satanic lyrics.

Rock on... oh is anyone doing a maths A level next year? They've leaked the papers already!
6:45 pm :: 1 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Monday, September 06, 2004

Never go drinking with Catholics

This post is rather sex obsessive... It's not intentional... honest...

It started with a couple more bad internet sites that can be blamed soley on apple... the iRod and ipod naked modelling

Then, there had to be a sex obsessed japanese professor going around.

Thought for the day: Don't show off, it can only lead to trouble.
10:04 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Eat your peas

This animations is fucking scary.

I never want to eat peas again.

Anyway, away from disturbing cartoons and onto our often misused advertising section!

The theme of the day is the bedroom.

Also, in our attempts at being politically incorect, we have one for raving lesbians and one for that special gay man in your life.
12:30 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Fluffy fun

What's going on at the petting zoo?
1:36 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Friday, September 03, 2004

e-mail sent

remember patriots unite from june or sometime? just sent this to the webmaster
hi, i've been an avid reader of your site for some time now, but one thing is troubling me about the truth about gays bit, my friend told me 'jesus sucks dick' but my other friend said that this couldn't be true as jesus merely 'loved the dick' as he loved everyone and thing, so please could you set me straight.
yours in christ, joe

oh how mature
2:26 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

on the subject

well we might not have been but anyway, how live journal can one site actually be, pah, we mock you, it could actually be a piss take, but who's to say with those livejournal fools?
oh yeah and join the right-wing support for voldermort here either that or porudly proclaim JESUS SUCKS DICK. now, when i get back i'll be posting that on every single right-wing site we've ever linked to, join in the fun if you wish.
2:15 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

Cheap Giggle Of The Day

just look in the window of this picture
and whilst here at odintomadness, we try to promote porn(just look at the banner, i could have told them that) this is different because it is both a blog and in spanish and can be funny in parts, cock cement indeed.
1:47 pm :: 1 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

And I Thought Right-Wingers Were Funnt

Laugh at this man's music taste he doesn't seem to update his site much so poking fun at him might not be so much fun, i got linked to it from hisw ife's site which also has poor music taste. They are probably nice people, but I don't care.
1:16 pm :: 3 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

CNN.com - Inside Politics

I'm not sure what rules america has on bias in news reporting...
10:11 am :: 1 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Last post for a while

This is a very interesting site, enjoy it.
3:25 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

Can't blame him really

If you allow your daughter to marry into dance culture, you deserve this frankly.

and while I'm here, proof that the republican party talks to all african americans, because they are all the same you see. Look at his answer to 'did you vote for George Bush four years ago?'.
and he has really fat fingers
2:52 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Pete's Still At Large

Pete Doherty has been given a four month suspended sentence which I suppose he can be quite happy about, considering the circumstances. And so the soap opera rolls on...
8:39 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

sunrise doesn't last all morning

WE ARE ODINTOMADNESS, or some other chant of a stirring nature to be inserted here, so that you fell all proud and distinctly blogriotic or whatever the version of adoration of a blog is. Anyway, I've decided that we need to do a round up of our time here at odintomadness and as I leave for Uni to 'learn' about english and stuff like what that is, I feel now is a good time. So, if you, yes YOU, no not you, the one standing next to you, yes the one reading this, have any ideas for prizes and such like to bestow on things related to this website post in the comments box, not the shoutbox, or it gets confuzzling.
These can include stuff like most annoying livejournal etc. but with more thought than if you are me and trying to think of examples. So, ideas are welcome
6:54 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

ODintomadness news

BNP Guy: We are a secular party, and will continue to uphold this country's proud tradition of separating church and state.

BBC reporter: Do you know who the head of the Church of England is?

BNP Guy: Uh, yes...

BBC: Do you know who the head of state is?

BNP: Yes.

BBC: So you are aware that they are the same person?
4:15 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

sign stuff

sign our new petition and help change stuff...maybe.
and then listen to Black Eyed Peas, 'Let's Get This Party Started' or whatever it's called and realise the chorus is actually, 'let's get retarded in here' curious.
and no beating aroudn the bush for the church's new album
2:22 pm :: 4 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

A Multitude Of Words In Your Ear

Leeds Festival was odd this year, was chilled and nowhere near as aggressive, despite the security guards being pricks and not letting us take their pictures.
Band-wise, Mozza was awesome, and I got free cider and cigs from naked people next to me, was rather marvellous, I have just got back from seeing him again in the lovely city that is Edinburgh in Scotland but wandering around until 7 in the morning is cold and tiring and strangely cool.
On other news, Judas has risen and is a fat wanker from liverpool, who never gave a shit about his boyhood club. Everyone pray that his injury never gets any better and his career ends whilst wishing paul stretford much ill health.
1:26 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink