Our Descent into Madness
Leading the fight to stop Graham Coxon
Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Comments boxes do have their uses

From here:

Hello there. I've been reading your site, and thinking, isn't it a really bad thing that a good Catholic would support the war in Iraq? Though instead of just forcing my opinion on you, I've been looking though a short list of past issues with interesting titles.

Pope warns against Iraq war

Pope says Iraq war threatens humanity

Pope urges world to avoid Iraq war

Pope calls for fast action against war in Iraq

Pope voices opposition, his strongest, to Iraq war

U.S. Church Leaders, in Rome, Ask Pope to Address Security Council

Catholic church against war on iraq

Pope John Paul II calls War a Defeat for Humanity: Neoconservative Iraq Just War Theories Rejected

I'd especially look at that last bit about Neoconservative just war theories being rejected.

There's also a small list of sites here

I'd also recommend trying different ways of spreading peace, rather than killing people. You'll find if people followed this site more, you'd have less trouble with abortions, too.


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