Our Descent into Madness
Leading the fight to stop Graham Coxon
Monday, February 28, 2005

More worrying spam

9:20 pm :: 6 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Saturday, February 26, 2005


Some people have too much spare time.
6:15 pm :: 1 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Jeff Tweedy/Jesus connection

1:09 am :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

It's a Van With Cameras! It's a Camera Van!

Useful for artists and perverts alike.

It has SMILE written boldly on top, and is the product of an idea concieved in a dream. Who the fuck dreams about camera vans?
12:14 am :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Pies, lots of pies. Banoffee pie, and other pies of interest.

My recipe for banoffee pie follows. This takes about 3 hours to prepare, then about the same time in the fridge before consumption. This recipe will give 8-10 reasonably generous servings.

It has 1.5 packets of chocolate hobnobs in! Surely this is the pie of the gods?
11:42 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Sunday, February 20, 2005


Join The Mullitia

Or don't...
7:45 pm :: 1 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Some lovely spam.

Woah, marriage! It's a good job these things carry warnings.

They've also got a great guide to writing your profile.
10:20 am :: 3 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Friday, February 18, 2005

Almost forgot...

...Empire SQ tonight at 11.30, watch teaser here
8:30 pm :: 2 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

Role-Playing Prison Style

I wanna go here but only after we own this and for the full on role-playing exercise, why notget these. The Wrap has to be my favourite one, and I certainly hope I will be opening one of those on August 10th.
3:33 pm :: 2 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

The Friday Pun

Don't worry, it's not gonna be a regular thing, but this is so great, it's groanable!
10:18 am :: 2 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


My computer is gone for 3 weeks, that is what is known as shite. Oh dear. Anyway, on a brighter note, I have more boxes of crisps which only cost £1.50 for 48, huzzah. I like husband's of shop owners
1:20 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

Monday, February 14, 2005

A Special Valentines Day Message

Anyone that says they've been "bitten by the love bug" needs beating with a realism spade.
8:50 am :: 2 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Some days I just don't know what's going on

1:23 pm :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Friday, February 11, 2005


In case anyone's wondering, where I am in the internet scale of things, I've poured wine over my Apple. I am in lots of pain over it, Lots of music lost, FM saves gone, bookmarks, essays etc. I hate drink. I've found my insurance though.
6:02 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

We'd still like to see the drawing room.

Fuck magical trevor, it's not funny.

The Lord rocks though, in a Fear and Loathing kind of way.
12:19 am :: 2 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

SMG Drumstick Spinology

I think I need to buy this...

Who cares if I can't drum? I'll have rock cred!
12:10 am :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Monday, February 07, 2005


The Patriots need to make a big play soon in this half. They are also gonna lose their offensive and defensive coaches this season.
2:01 am :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

Friday, February 04, 2005

The Experiment

tale of two people trying to drink very, very, cheap vodka. Very, very straight. We have videos, too. Here's a sneak peak at what went on.

This is the enemy.
1:58 am :: 3 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

As you can see, this experiment was conducted using cutting edge technology, and with absolute scientific rigour.
1:05 am :: 1 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

He's happy because he hasn't had any vodka yet.
1:03 am :: 3 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Filling out the guarantee form. We wanted to make sure that if there was a chance to get compensation from Brita for our own reckless actions, we'd be able to take it.
1:02 am :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


are we the only ones? Surely people understand what the fuck he's done
And while we're at it, why would you call a site about King Knobend all over me? Why would you want COCKson (as he is now called FYI) all over you? So you could cry rape and get him killed by people in jail?
5:00 pm :: 2 comments ::

Joe :: permalink


Graham Coxon is perhaps one of the best known little known fine artists in the country.

His works include Rosie and the big red ball, and Red Circle on a green background.

Full Site Here

1:44 pm :: 1 comments ::

Ric :: permalink

Your mum just loved you son

We need this kind of active benefit service in this country.
1:40 pm :: 0 comments ::

Joe :: permalink

Chavs on Film

Here's a lovely video diary of a charming boy named Darren. Start from the beginning, learn, and grow with him as his adventure goes on.
1:17 am :: 0 comments ::

Ric :: permalink