Tuesday, September 21, 2004
i am still alive...
unfortunately, brian clough isn't anymore, so big tribute to the great man and manager, yes he could be a tit, but he was the greatest british manager of all time, so respect is due.My posts have become slightly depressive due to people dying so why not have some intelligent laughs here who actually writes these websites?
and in keeping with our love of all things right-wing, we have a lovely blog for you, who have actually tried to counteract ignorant insults from morons like us by titling their blog, 'four right wing wackos' oooh those semi-nazis are just too sharp for us.
and after they've convinced you that your foolish left-wing ways are for commie scum, and che guevara was the real evil, show your support with a t-shirt i particularly like the 'tolerance is for a man without convictions', look at them quoting chesterton, the educated people.
and if you are bored bomard these people with bogus claims, such as 'i went brainded watching another stupid bloody comercial telling me to get compensation, give me money you bloody tinkers'
that's enough for now, oooh but i did just buy a nice jacket, see you all in a bit.
5:08 pm :: ::
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Joe :: permalink
I'm kinda tempted to buy that "peace through superior firepower badge" so I can be all witty and ironic. woo.
By Ric, at 5:44 pm -
Hey joe and ric. its max. good to know im still reading your blog, isnt it? just wanted 2 say how great it is to be linked to all these 'semi-nazi' sites. ive been warned by the IT dept about my future conduct on the uni system. Keep em coming
By , at 1:51 pm -
Well that was a fun hour spent claiming comp for badger related accidents.
By , at 12:20 am -
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