Our Descent into Madness
Leading the fight to stop Graham Coxon
Wednesday, September 01, 2004

sunrise doesn't last all morning

WE ARE ODINTOMADNESS, or some other chant of a stirring nature to be inserted here, so that you fell all proud and distinctly blogriotic or whatever the version of adoration of a blog is. Anyway, I've decided that we need to do a round up of our time here at odintomadness and as I leave for Uni to 'learn' about english and stuff like what that is, I feel now is a good time. So, if you, yes YOU, no not you, the one standing next to you, yes the one reading this, have any ideas for prizes and such like to bestow on things related to this website post in the comments box, not the shoutbox, or it gets confuzzling.
These can include stuff like most annoying livejournal etc. but with more thought than if you are me and trying to think of examples. So, ideas are welcome
6:54 pm :: ::
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