Our Descent into Madness
Leading the fight to stop Graham Coxon
Monday, September 27, 2004

All These Things I've Done

I have been at university a little over 2 weeks, and in falling into the sterotype, I have completed the following things
1. Walked into a lecture that I shouldn't have been in, realised it was wrong, got odd looks for walking out as the teacher said, 'we're continuing with renaissance art, i hope that's alright.'
2. Got woken up 2 hours after going to bed by the janitor for the mess in our kitchen
3. Got fined £10 for an 'unauthorised party', got another letter as someone left the door open at midnight and this is apparently a security risk
4. got a third disciplinary letter for damage to the flat
5. Lost my wallet with all the cards in
6. Parents forget to pay tuition fees
7. Break a George Forman grill in Tescos
8. Jack my bitchin veins up to score some heroin

how utterly cliched
5:48 pm :: ::
  • wow, that's quite a first experience in 2 weeks...if you went to my school when I did (and if you were a girl) you may have gotten a warning about having boys in past midnight:) that could add to your laundry list of cliches. Now, though, Hood has boys so I don't know what their policy is about them.

    By Blogger Marianne, at 7:37 pm  
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