Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Today is the 1 year anniversary of the last post...
...made on this blog. We started this over 4 years ago, 4 years ago! When did we grow up and decide writing stuff purely for our own amusement and that of one or two other people was not what we wanted to do with out lives? When? I miss being young. I've been thinking today about what real jobs I want to get. Not jobs like rock star or a job where I sit in bars all day smoking and writing articles for obscure magazines that say things like, 'The flower died yesterday' and only that. No, real jobs like teacher or maybe a law conversion course or maybe joining a graduate scheme. But I'm still writing this so maybe all hope isn't lost. I wonder if Ric still gets e-mails when the blog gets updated, we will have to see.And, yes, before you ask I do have 12,000 words in for two weeks today, and yes I should be doing them and not writing on this. But...what I have written is really quite wonderful, honest.
1:14 am :: ::
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Joe :: permalink
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By Drag Racer V3, at 8:49 am
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