Monday, September 05, 2005
Lighter and Aerosol Ahoy
I ended up getting up about 6am, because there was a damn gremlin creeping about the house. After setting him on fire, then kicking him out through the cat flap, I had nothing better to do, so I changed all the links into handy sections. You can now avoid all those god-awful webcomics that we read, you lucky person. There's also a hastily scraped togeather bands/labels section. Even better, Joe can edit them all, as it's on the template.This has meant that I've actually read the links that we've been linking to for ages:
Funny or harsh? You decide.
Also, if you're worried about the demise of Soapy Goldfish, fear not, for he has been reincarnated as Leopard Spaghetti. Woo and fucking yey.