Our Descent into Madness
Leading the fight to stop Graham Coxon
Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Computer Geeks are Brilliant

I've been playing round with my new Mac, and found out that the browser has a porn browsing mode! They don't explicitly call it Porn Browsing, but I'm going to from now on. This is what it says in help:

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When you turn on porn browsing, Safari stops storing certain information for you. For example, if you shop look at porn online at an Internet cafe, you can turn on porn browsing to prevent any information about the location or the transaction from being stored on the computer to prevent someone finding this information after you finish.

Isn't it amazing?
9:46 am :: ::
  • ooh lots of posts about stuff. London rocked I'm in another city again now, back home on Friday. Wooh. I want internet I miss it. Yay for Ric's Apple, mie's still better, cos its mine and better.

    By Blogger Joe, at 2:56 pm  
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