Our Descent into Madness
Leading the fight to stop Graham Coxon
Sunday, September 04, 2005

All Great Things Come from Kansas

Have you heard much about Intelligent Design? It's basically the design argument for the existence of a God taken one step too far.

Someone decided this would be a good thing to teach children in science lessons. However, the Kansas school board overlooked another religion based on scientific principles, The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Disasterous. You can read more about Flying Spaghetti Monsterism on its Wikipedia page
1:17 pm :: ::
  • I had to do intelligent design for a-level, or at least give it all the credence it deserved... Never been keen on the deign argument tho, lets start a tehological odintomadness week. But no, flying spaghetti, bleurgh

    By Blogger Joe, at 2:03 pm  
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