Our Descent into Madness
Leading the fight to stop Graham Coxon
Sunday, May 08, 2005

NME's impact on society

NME isn't just having a devastating impact on the lives of Liberteen obsessed girls. ODintomadness research found The Stylish Riots. This worrying site shows that the influence of the NME is now extending to a younger, more impressionable audience, so much so that on their list of favourite bands they'd rather mention they only like the early Stereophonics over spelling the band name right.

They're even using their indie image to get girls. Dirty.
1:11 pm :: ::
  • Apparently the stylish riots are Hugh's favourite band of time, his favourite bands of other ill defined properties will come later. I've also got a feeling Sam has done the whole bands who bands i like who bands i like, like or whatever. Not that I wish to be patronising. Or feel better then him.

    By Blogger Joe, at 4:56 pm  
  • My goodness, the whole thing looks like the playground of the Monkey Dust pervert "I've been playing guitar since, like, year 5".
    Excuse me while I go throw up my pub lunch.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:35 pm  
  • Jesus Gods they need to be shut down. That would have been a really good band name in another 20 years! And the little upstarts have the cheek to claim to like The Black Keys, who are fab and who up til now I thought only I liked.

    Anna may appreciate this though- I can see the coming together of two of her favourite things (Libertines and pre-pubescent boys)
    doing things for her.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:10 pm  
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