Our Descent into Madness
Leading the fight to stop Graham Coxon
Sunday, April 17, 2005

Most Pointless News of 2005:

JJ72 are back!! Actually did that deserve exclamation marks? I doubt it. But yes, not an awful band, not a good band, I own one of their albums, I wasn't arsed with it really doubt I'm going to be arsed about them being back. Even Hillary left eventually, tsk. They are cared about that little that they don't even have a website. For fuck's sake, even we have a website, and we're not Irish or wonderkids, Holy Mary.
4:05 pm :: ::
  • No fucking way!!

    I saw them on the NME tour, back in the day.....
    in all their three-chorded wonder..and I met them and got a cd signed.*

    *i recognise the irony of mocking them yet owning one of their cds

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:06 pm  
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