Our Descent into Madness
Leading the fight to stop Graham Coxon
Sunday, March 27, 2005

I love The Incredibles

The News Drinking Game

Disaster Scenes

-Take a drink for every explosion
-Take a drink everytime there's someone running.
-Double if it's the camera man.


-Take a drink for every gratuitously used figure of speech
-Take a drink for every smug smile used by a politician


-Take a drink every time a problem is blamed on the US
-Double if Bono if trying to solve it
-Take a drink every time a problem is blamed on the French


-Drink if the article is only about the girlfriend/boyfriend of the sportsperson
-Drink if the person speaking is completely incoherent
-Double if the report is completely based on rumours, with no solid foundations at all.


-Drink for every bad pun
-Drink to cope with seeing any clouds/rain/sleet/hurricanes.

7:42 pm :: ::
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