Sunday, October 31, 2004
Making good use of my extra hour today
Here's a big 'shout out' to Anna, as they say in hip clubbing circles, because I'm using mostly her links today. I'm lazy like that.Firstly, when will this penguin obsession ever end?
I'm waiting for another mammal to become hip and cool again, monkeys maybe? Or the re-emergence of kittens. Preferably out of some kind of cannon.
The Onion's put a handy series of articles togeather to help you cope with that election in that place over that water thing.
Lastly check out David Shrigly, he writes nice stories and makes lovely animations.
I have other links chained up whorishly on my pc, but I think i'll 'pimp them out' slowly over the week. Raised commas are just 'phat.'
Fun fact for the day:
It is only possible to tie one knot in an elephant's trunk at a time.
10:53 am :: ::
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Ric :: permalink
just realised my halloween post and links didn't come up, well i'll have to save all THAT goodness until a completely useless day when it's crap.
By Joe, at 3:20 am
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