Our Descent into Madness
Leading the fight to stop Graham Coxon
Sunday, October 24, 2004

Join the Army! - It's like X-box, only you die!

The theme of the day is those kooky politcal activists! yey!

Enjoy The Draft have a lot of lovely things on their site, especially a handy e-mail reminder for people not to vote. Isn't that nice?

Someone's dug Bobby Pickett out whatever retirement home he was lying in to create this crazy remix to tell people to leave the trees alone. woo for trees.

By far the best new movement though, is the one moving to ban donkey porn, and quite right they are, too. Bestiality is wrong.
11:45 am :: ::
  • Do you get Saturday Night Live over there? This week, Jude Law was the host and there was a skit where he played Tony Blair, with Will Forte's George W. Bush. It was amusing...the "audience" asked "Blair" why he entered the war with us and he said it seemed to help Bush's ratings but it ended up hurting his own ratings.

    By Blogger Marianne, at 2:44 pm  
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