Our Descent into Madness
Leading the fight to stop Graham Coxon
Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Lookie here

Okay, soon I'll stop finding cool stuff to show you all, well for ric to look at, does anyone else visit us?
but how cool is this script?

All Matrix-y
11:32 am :: ::
  • I put the mattress sliding on my "interests" because I was trying to come up with obscure things. A lot of which, this included, is from back in college. We did slide on mattresses down stairs. Crazy stuff happened in college...and hasn't happened since :( I love that you are British and found my blog (my sister studied over there and wants to move someday). And I agree about Paradise Hotel (April entry)...such a shame people in other countries have a warped idea of how us American women are.


    By Blogger Marianne, at 3:56 pm  
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