Our Descent into Madness
Leading the fight to stop Graham Coxon
Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Further Updates

Yes I am being genuine and true.  Its not a joke! Yes I actually do like it and all my friends do too.  It's a grueling task to follow God. Yes at times is very hard, but its a joy to serve God.
Hope to hear from you soon
Mandy "
So yes, she is genuine, and she seems very nice, obviously slightly disturbing that she belongs ot a big brainwashing cult, but veyr nice nonetheless. Anyone feel we should try to save her from this mass cult? comments below please.
1:57 pm :: ::
  • isn't it such a pain when people are so nice but you don't agree with their choices? i have a friend who I think is great but we have totally different political views. honestly, if you saw us and knew one was democrat and one was republican, you would probably mix us up, just knowing the life she leads. but no one better ever confuse me for a republican. I know you all are British but...

    Kerry/Edwards 2004!!!!!!!

    By Blogger Marianne, at 4:38 pm  
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